Student Education Travel Organisation Strategy Day 7th October 2022
On Friday 7th October the SETO Board held their inaugural annual strategy day in Brisbane. This was a highly productive day where the board reviewed and discussed headline risks (strategic, operational and financial risks), before embarking on a process of understanding the strategic themes that will provide focus for SETO over the next 12-18 months. The board looks forward to sharing SETO’s strategic intent with SETO members in the coming weeks.
Thank you to our board members for their valuable input and commitment; Liz Anderson, David Walker, Jamie Wansey, Anne-Marie Mitchell, Dan Kellerd, Rebecca Fleming, Peter Fletcher and Aaron Zoanetti and also for the important insights from SETO’s BDM, Brett Harvey.
The SETO board remains focused on the mission of SETO;
“To Lead the educational travel sector in areas of governance, advocacy, and education. A recognised, trusted, connected community advocating safe and sustainable student travel”.
#advocacy #education #governance #SETO #educationaltravel