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Student Education Travel Organisation


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  • Thu, May 30, 2024 12:29 PM | Anonymous

    With thanks to WorldStrides for this article 

    The impact an educational tour can impart on a student is immeasurable. Beyond the fun and adventure are incredible educational, social and interpersonal benefits that students can experience from travelling on an educational tour. Chief Academic Officer, Dr Wendy Amato Ph.D shares the top 10 benefits students gain from educational travel…

    1. Better Academic Performance – On an educational tour, students get to experience different styles of teaching and see a new side to their subject of study. When able to see, touch and smell the very things they have learned about in books, students return to the classroom with a deeper connection and greater motivation for their studies.
    2. A Global Perspective – Unfamiliarity and separation from home are great incubators for thought. New experiences will question one’s preconceived ideas. The enriching experience of educational travel encourages students to expand their world view, witness a new way of life and better understand people, history and culture.
    3. Confidence – Living for any amount of time in a culture that’s different from home can help prepare students for the future in ways more profound than any camp or holiday can. Overcoming challenges while travelling help students grow confidence and prepare them for life’s obstacles.
    4. Grit – Travelling away from the comfort of friends, family and familiar surroundings is tough. But doing it shows that a person is interested enough in the rest of the world, and confident enough to venture out and discover other parts of the world. This is a character trait that’s very appealing to employers.
    5. Networking – Travel provides students with a global network of contacts and references. Plus, instead of relying on others’ opinions, travellers establish perspective, confidence and conviction that make it easier to gain the respect of others.
    6. Growth & Independence – While away from home and the ease of a regular support system, students have opportunities to see what they are capable of accomplishing by themselves. Travelling allows students to develop themselves in ways that can’t be achieved without stepping outside of their comfort zone, becoming more mature, independent and self-aware.
    7. Individuality – Travel provides experiences to define a person’s place and purpose and establishes lifelong values and priorities.
    8. Career Opportunities – Employers view students that have travelled as well-rounded as they have shown not only a commitment to their education but a confidence to venture out and discover new things as well as their ability to adapt to new situations.
    9. Appreciation – Getting away from home is also a chance to allow a student to realise what they miss most. Experiencing another place and culture is an opportunity to appreciate what they already have and realise the importance of the little things that often go unnoticed.
    10. New Friends – Cultural immersion through travels can also help break down language barriers and open new channels of lifelong communication. Exploring a new place opens doors to establish new friendships and relationships that never would have been acquired without travelling.

  • Fri, May 10, 2024 7:30 AM | Anonymous

    With thanks to Infuse Travel for this article 

    Laying the Foundations of Housing Accessibility 

    Access to adequate housing is a basic human right that is denied to many people around the world.

    The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) reports that 1.6 billion people live in inadequate housing, with 100 million people being displaced from their homes in 2022. Homelessness and poor-quality housing contribute to poverty, inequality, and a number of other forces of societal instability.

    Challenges of housing accessibility and affordability are not limited to low-income countries. In fact, they are a prominent challenge for many young Australians. According to Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz, Chair of the National Housing Supply and Affordability Council: 

    Prices and rents [in Australia] are growing faster than wages, rental vacancies are near all-time lows, 169,000 households are on public housing waiting lists, [and] 122,000 people are experiencing homelessness.”

    As these statistics highlight, ensuring that all people have access to adequate, safe and affordable housing is a big and complex challenge. But it is also a challenge that many dedicated people and organisations are working hard to address.  

    Goal 11 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is to “Make Cities and Human Settlements Inclusive, Safe Resilient and Sustainable”, while Target 11.1 of the goal is to ensure, by 2030, “access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums”. To achieve Target 11.1 a wide range of multi-scalar and multi-sectoral actions are being taken. 

    One way that Infuse Travel is working to support SDG 11 is through our Cambodia house building projects. Partnering with a Cambodian-run non-profit organisation, Infuse has been supporting the construction of new timber homes in the south-eastern province of Kampong Cham. In 2023, for example, Victoria’s Cornish College were able to work with us to build 3 new houses in Kampong Cham – and Infuse plans to support the building of a further 4-5 houses later this year. 

    Construction underway in Kampong Cham, Cambodia where Infuse and Cornish College supported the build of 4 new timber houses.A student works to finish the walls in conjunction with local Cambodia workers.One of the new timber homes close to completion.

    Kampong Cham is one of Cambodia’s most highly populated provinces and is home to both urban and rural communities, the latter growing many export crops including tobacco, soya-beans, and rubber. 

    The rural villages that Infuse Travel supports in Cambodia have been identified by the Cambodian NGO, who consult with local communities to understand where housing needs are greatest. Once a project has been identified, our visiting schools and students work alongside qualified local tradespeople to install flooring, walls and roofing. To help students better understand how their efforts contribute to both community needs and broader global challenges, housebuilding is also accompanied by focused learning activities that include self-reflection, discussions on global housing accessibility, and the sharing of local knowledge and expertise.

    According to Cambodian government projections, Cambodia will need an estimated 1.1 million new houses by 2030 to meet the population’s needs.

    Faced by such a daunting figure, our efforts may sometimes feel like they are just a drop in the ocean. Some really big systems changes are needed to tackle the global housing crisis, and we cannot ignore the enormity of this challenge. But nor should this lead us to feeling helpless!

    Small scale changes can and do make meaningful impacts, particularly when made as part of a larger collective effort. In Cambodia, government, non-profit organisations, the private sector, and local communities are all actively working to address housing needs. 

    For students of Infuse programs, our housebuilding projects are designed to provide a direct opportunity to positively impact on host communities, as well as to begin a lifelong learning journey towards active global citizenship. Being an active part of change efforts can open our eyes and our hearts to the impact that we can have on the world if we choose to do so.

    For the individuals and families that live in the new homes that we have collectively built, our small contribution to change can be truly transformative.

  • Wed, April 03, 2024 11:00 AM | Anonymous

    With thanks to WorldStrides for this article.

    Travelling creates stronger teachers, and in turn stronger students. Studies continuously show how travel improves academic performance, and there are learning opportunities for students before, during, and after you return from your tour. For teachers, travel is professional development at the highest level. Travel brings lesson plans to life for classrooms, and the benefits are shared by the entire school community.

    Learning about your destination

    Before you travel, there are endless academic opportunities available for students to explore their destination. From key moments in history, to the music that found its beat there, each destination holds a vault of information. Humanities classrooms can explore the literature, sociology, and language of a destination. Science classrooms study weather patterns, with each student making their prediction of what the weather on tour will be like. Use your tour as the setting for your next great lesson.

    Developing research skills

    Research skills have become entirely digital for many of our students. Take the learning offline and have students prepare questions for your local guides before you travel. Your students will be collecting primary sources that will reinforce their research. Take it to the next level and have students interview a local while on-tour. Students will understand the value of “authentic resources” and how the secondary sources taken off the internet don’t always tell the full story. What will students research? Use the itinerary to create a list of research topics, or have your students strengthen their intellectual curiosity skills by creating their own thesis statement.

    Strong writing takes practice

    Writing by hand may seem tedious to some, but the slow process gives your brain time to process the information. Have your students write each day to recount the experience by hand. Each student will create a narrative that makes sense to them, instead of the verbatim note-taking habits they sometimes fall into. In doing so, you will be helping students increase both reading comprehension and literacy as the brain must actively engage with what they are writing. These small snapshots of their experience can roll into a longer writing assignment after their tour in the form of a short story, or simply will become your students most valued souvenir.

    Civics in the digital age

    Our students seem to know their way around a phone or a computer better than we do. Let them use those skills for good. By capturing video and photographs, students can bring their experience home and educate their peers and community. You can bring the Daintree Discovery Centre back to the classroom with student curated content. Give students a specific topic to capture, or collectively get behind a specific cause. Deepen the learning experience by limiting the time students have to capture this content at each destination. This keeps them off their phones the entire time, while still giving them space for at least one good selfie.

    Lesson plans come to life

    When teachers travel, it shows up in their lesson plans. The amount of information available can seem overwhelming at times, but allowing educators the time and opportunity to explore their passions further can only heighten the learning that takes place when they return. Teachers capture the information shared on tour in a number of ways, and use the experiences to create context for their instruction. By sharing experiences with students, you open the world to the entire classroom. Students may be unaware of how diverse and information-rich the world is, and first-hand experiences help broaden that perception. Primary sources, whether in the form of photos or video, motivate students to collect their own meaningful sources and seek out travel experiences of their own.

    Regardless of what year level or subject area you teach, your tour and classroom instruction can work hand in hand. You will be creating a unique learning experience for all your students; one that will stay with them for life.

    This article has been written for WorldStrides by Walter Doyle, English teacher and co-founder of Kids N Culture, an academic enrichment program designed for high school students.

  • Thu, February 15, 2024 10:00 AM | Anonymous

    With thanks to World Challenge for this article.  

    In today’s dynamic educational landscape, student expeditions stand out as pivotal experiences that transcend traditional learning paradigms. Offered by organisations like World Challenge, these journeys are not merely explorations of the world but deep dives into the inner self.

    student expeditions

    Expeditions offer an exceptional learning canvas, where each step taken in a foreign land parallels strides in personal growth and understanding. This unique learning environment, blending adventure and cultural immersion, provides fertile ground for the development of crucial life skills. Central to this is self-reflection, a process where students critically examine their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. It serves as a pillar for personal development, enhancing decision-making and emotional intelligence. As students encounter various challenges, both physical and cultural, self-reflection helps them process their experiences, leading to a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world.

    Group Reflection

    Enhancing Critical Thinking and Emotional Growth

    Self-reflection is a catalyst for developing critical thinking and emotional maturity. It encourages students to analyse and interpret their experiences, leading to more informed decisions and innovative problem-solving. This reflective process is not confined to intellectual development; it significantly contributes to emotional growth. Students learn to understand and manage their feelings, developing resilience in the face of adversity and empathy towards others. These skills, cultivated in the diverse and often challenging environments of expeditions, are essential for students’ academic and personal success.

    Fostering Cultural Sensitivity and Global Citizenship

    Exposure to diverse cultures during expeditions is a gateway to fostering cultural sensitivity and global citizenship. Self-reflection allows students to process these cultural interactions deeply, leading to an appreciation of diversity and an understanding of global interconnectedness. This aspect of expeditions is crucial in today’s global society, as it prepares students to thrive in multicultural environments and fosters respect and empathy for different ways of life.

    Yoga Pose Reflection

    The Role of Teachers and Parents in Facilitating Self-Reflection

    Teachers and parents play a critical role in nurturing the habit of self-reflection. They can encourage students to engage in reflective practices by initiating discussions, providing reflective tools such as journals, and guiding them through structured reflection activities. Emotional support is equally vital; creating a safe and supportive environment allows students to freely express and process their emotions. By actively facilitating these practices, educators and parents can significantly enhance the developmental benefits of student expeditions.

    Long-Term Impact of Self-Reflection

    The benefits of self-reflection extend far beyond the duration of the expedition. It lays the foundation for lifelong learning and self-improvement. Students develop the habit of regularly examining their life experiences, a skill that is invaluable in their future personal and professional lives. This ongoing practice of reflection helps them navigate life’s challenges with greater awareness and adaptability.

    Self-reflection during expeditions also helps students broaden their perspectives, challenging preconceived notions and biases. It encourages a mindset of openness and curiosity, essential for personal growth and learning. Through self-reflection, students gain insights into different ways of living and thinking, which can profoundly influence their attitudes and values.

    Self Reflection with a Mountain View

    To conclude, self-reflection is not just a component of student expeditions; it’s the heartbeat. It transforms these journeys from mere physical travel to profound personal journeys. By facilitating self-reflection, educators and parents can help students unlock the full potential of these experiences, ensuring they embark on a path of not just exploring the world but also discovering themselves. The lessons learned and the growth attained through these reflective practices resonate long after the expeditions shaping students into thoughtful, empathetic, and well-rounded individuals.

    Written by Alan Ward
    Images by Thom Bell & World ChallengeTravellers 

  • Mon, October 09, 2023 10:28 AM | Anonymous

    With thanks to Camps International CEO and Co-Founder Stuart Rees Jones for this article.  

    Empowering Students to Transform the Environment: Ethical Journeys with Impact

    In today's world, it is crucial to equip younger generations with the skills, knowledge, and empathy needed to address our environmental challenges. Ethical Journeys with Impact, an innovative approach spearheaded by an organisation committed to environmental stewardship, reshapes perceptions and empowers students, schools, and parents. Camps International is nurturing a new generation of environmentally conscious individuals by providing expeditions that focus on ecological stresses and biodiversity.

    Redefining Educational Expeditions

    These expeditions revolutionise educational expeditions, traditionally detached from the natural world, by offering a fresh perspective and striving to immerse students in meaningful experiences within natural environments, fostering a deep appreciation for the beauty and interconnectedness of the ecosystem. Through hands-on activities, such as reforestation, wildlife conservation, and sustainable development projects, students profoundly understand the environmental challenges we face.

    Research consistently highlights the myriad benefits of out-of-school learning experiences, such as expeditions, for students. Numerous studies have demonstrated that these immersive activities profoundly impact students' cognitive, social, and emotional development. Participating in expeditions fosters critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deeper understanding of complex ecological systems. Moreover, research indicates that out-of-school learning promotes increased self-confidence, resilience, and a sense of personal responsibility towards the environment. By stepping outside the confines of traditional classrooms and engaging in real-world experiences, students gain a unique perspective that broadens their horizons and nurtures a lifelong passion for environmental conservation.

    Transforming Perceptions about the Environment

    Many students embark on these expeditions with limited exposure to the fragility of ecosystems and their connection to human actions. However, through immersive experiences, they witness the consequences of deforestation, habitat loss, and pollution. This transformative encounter compels students to re-evaluate their behaviours and become catalysts for change within their communities and can reshape environmental perceptions.

    Skills and Knowledge for Environmental Resilience

    Student expeditions and volunteering is not just about inspiring awareness; it equips participants with practical skills and knowledge to address environmental challenges. Through expert guidance and hands-on training, students understand sustainable practices, ecosystem management, and the importance of biodiversity. These skills extend beyond the expeditions, empowering students to implement real change in their local communities.

    As a social enterprise close to the environmental cause, Camps International is able to play a crucial role in raising awareness about environmental challenges and the importance of resilience. Their educational programs under the umbrella of Real World Studies, acting as an additional resource for children to prepare for their on-ground experience at expeditions and prepares them to collaborate with local communities to promote environmental literacy. By empowering individuals with knowledge and skills, such enterprises foster a culture of environmental stewardship amongst the youth and adults alike.

    Addressing Ecological and Biodiversity Stresses

    Recognising the urgency of environmental stewardship, expeditions help students engage in reforestation projects, research, and collaboration with local communities. Through these initiatives, students contribute to preserving and restoring fragile ecosystems. Beyond conservation efforts, these experiences help improve cross-cultural understanding, and global citizenship. By immersing students in diverse cultures and communities, these journeys enable participants to appreciate the interconnectedness of environmental, social, and economic factors. This holistic approach solidifies their commitment to sustainable practices and responsible decision-making.

    Empowering Gen Z: Nurturing Empathy and Self-Confidence

    The younger Gen Z-ers have garnered significant attention for their unyielding commitment to addressing social issues head-on. Their refusal to accept passive ignorance has demonstrated the power of speaking up for peers and advocating for those who cannot. Young adults gain empathy by engaging in real-life experiences and immersing themselves in local communities. Encouraging children to support those in need fosters resilience and self-awareness and strengthens family bonds.

    Through participating in experiences that involve helping others, young adults develop a genuine appreciation for their privileges. This newfound gratitude translates into a willingness to positively impact the world around them. By exposing children to these transformative experiences, parents play a vital role in nurturing empathy and shaping their children's outlook on the planet. Acknowledged for their efforts boosts their self-confidence and self-worth and reinforces their belief in their ability to effect meaningful change. This sense of satisfaction derived from making a difference further empowers them to continue playing an active role in society.


    As parents and educators, it is crucial to support Gen Z in their quest to make a positive impact. By providing opportunities for real-life experiences and encouraging empathy, we equip young adults with the tools to navigate moral dilemmas and become compassionate leaders. We can nurture a generation that embraces social responsibility and works collaboratively towards a brighter future for all.

    Ethical Journeys with Impact is driving a paradigm shift in how we approach environmental education. Camps International is nurturing a new generation of environmental leaders by empowering students to transform their perceptions, acquire practical skills, and address ecological stresses and biodiversity loss. As we confront the challenges of the 21st century, initiatives like Ethical Journeys with Impact provide hope and inspiration for a sustainable and thriving future. Let us embrace these transformative experiences and empower our youth to safeguard the planet they will inherit.

  • Wed, February 08, 2023 12:47 PM | Anonymous

    Using a student educational tour operator can offer several benefits, such as:

    1. Expertise and experience: An educational tour operator has the expertise and experience in organising educational trips for students, ensuring a smooth and memorable experience.

    2. Safety and security: A tour operator can provide safety and security measures, such as emergency support, risk management, and travel insurance, to ensure the well-being of students on their trip.

    3. Convenience: A tour operator can handle the details and logistics of the trip, freeing up teachers and staff to focus on educating and leading the students.

    4. Customisable itineraries: A tour operator can work with schools to create a customised itinerary that meets their specific educational and budget needs.

    5. Cost-effective: A tour operator can negotiate group rates for transportation, accommodation, and activities, making the trip more cost-effective for the school.

    Overall, using a student educational tour operator can enhance the educational experience for students and provide peace of mind for teachers and staff.

  • Wed, January 25, 2023 12:08 PM | Anonymous

    An analysis of younger travellers sheds light on the need for businesses to be more integrated with digital technologies, with many takeaways that Student Educational Tour Operators could implement.

    Younger travelers demand a more integrated digital journey, and the industry will be forced to respond. They will accelerate the digital way of life and popularize fringe technologies by 2027. Many are frequent travelers who are ‘self-service first,’ and they embrace biometrics and digital passes to benefit from travel efficiency and convenience.

    Digital identities, border crossings, and mobile platforms offer ample opportunities for younger digital native travelers who are familiar with using their mobile phone as a remote control for travel; market share will increase as digital natives become a more significant proportion of the passenger demographic, creating a seismic shift towards ‘digital first.’

    According to the WTTC 2022 Global Trends report, younger travelers were the first to drive industry recovery and steer post-pandemic travel trends.

    There are encouraging signs toward ‘mobile-first travel.’ Apple Wallet’s support for digital identity and mobile driving licenses/US State IDs for travel marked an important milestone. The digital identities that underpin Digital Travel are part of a much bigger ecosystem, which relies on the next generation of self-service technology infrastructure, featuring integrated cloud, mobile, and biometric-enabled self-service touchpoints for check-in, bagdrop, border control, and boarding. The combination of digital identities with this infrastructure provides a seamless, touchless, and personalized travel experience while allowing travelers to remain firmly in control of their data.

    Governments, companies, and standards bodies have been working hard to create the next generation of self-service travel infrastructure. SITA leads in delivering solutions where ‘your face is your passport and boarding pass’ and ‘your mobile is your remote control for travel,’ in a new paradigm underpinned by digital identity.

  • Mon, January 16, 2023 4:35 PM | Anonymous

    Business name: 
    Educational Journeys

    Brief summary of your business?

    Educational Journeys is Australian owned educational travel agency that has over 20 years of experience in creating curriculum linked student study tours to destinations around the globe. We believe in creating bespoke trips that are hassle-free, the best value, and well-organised.

    Which destinations do you specialise in?

    We have a global network of travel partners and the expertise and experience in both international and domestic destinations. With the ability to fully customise an itinerary to suit our clients educational needs, we specialise in meeting our clients educational goals, wherever that may be.

    What are the advantages to your business as a SETO member?

    Not only do SETO share our values in the importance of Educational Travel, being part of a community and governing body that represents the industry provides our business the opportunity to connect with like minded organisations. We are proud to be part of an organisation that is advocating for our industry, something that has been missing for so long and are excited to see SETO’s growth and the positive impacts that will follow for our industry.

    What was the greatest challenges to your business in 2022?

    There is no denying that we faced some of the most difficult years in travel with the pandemic.  We have navigated many challenges but I think the greatest would be that many industry professionals left, taking with them a wealth of experience and knowledge. 

    Consumer travel forecasts, where are your customers enquiring to travel?
    Europe or Australia

    Looking forward what are you excited about over the next 12 months?

    Our focus over the next 12 months is going to be on improving customer experience through implementation of new policies and technologies.

  • Wed, January 11, 2023 1:39 PM | Anonymous

    Travel is its own form of education, which makes it one of the most important experiences a student can have.

    Whether flying across the ocean, driving across state lines or visiting a big city nearby, travel can open a whole new world for our students, especially when done through school with a great teacher and expert tour operator.

    From seeing different cultures to meeting new people and learning about history firsthand, student travel has a wealth of benefits that personal anecdotes and professional studies can attest to. There’s nothing like experiential learning, and travel provides the greatest experiences of all.

    Let’s take a look at some of the many benefits of student travel.

    Teaches independence. For many students, school trips are their main opportunity to experience what it’s like to be away from their family for an extended period of time. Even in a group of chaperones and fellow students, school trips let youth be a different version of themselves while taking on some personal responsibility. Travel is a great first-step in stepping out of your comfort zone, preparing kids for life after school.

    Cultural awareness. Travel takes students out of their bubble and exposes them to all kinds of differences. For some students, simply seeing people experiencing homelessness firsthand is an eye-opening culture shock. For others, a trip out of the big city to experience rural life is novel. And of course, traveling internationally is lifechanging. Countless students have talked about how a school trip gave them more compassion for those struggling, helped them see how diverse other countries are (America’s not the only melting pot), and put life into perspective. Reading books and looking at pictures simply can’t do other cultures justice.

    Critical thinking. Related to the above, seeing other cultures first-hand can help debunk myths and stereotypes students may have learned, which in turn increases their skepticism toward future falsities they’ll come across. While the internet connects us to other cultures in ways we never thought possible, the rise of misinformation means critical thinking is more important than ever before.

    Improved academic performance through first-hand learning. Study after study has shown that travel increases intellectual curiosity and a willingness to learn and explore. Student travel also helps reinforce classroom material with experiential learning. If you’re a teacher, a museum trip can easily tie into something you’ve already taught (or plan to teach) this schoolyear, not to mention all the activities and discussion you can have once you’ve returned. No matter what your “learning style” is, experiential learning hits harder and lasts longer.

    Creates collaboration. By nature of being together on a long trip, students are bound to form relationships and will likely end up experiencing things together in small groups. Lifelong memories will form, they’ll learn how to work and live with different personalities, and those relationships will stick when you’re back in the classroom (or band room, or choir room).

    Builds trust. If a student is agreeing to go on a trip you’re leading, chances are they already trust you at least a little bit—but there’s nothing like the bonds that form through travel. Students will have to fully trust that you know what you’re doing, and may come to you when feeling homesick or dealing with bullying, sickness or other issues. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that, but the silver lining is that this provides a chance for you to impart wisdom and empathy to developing youths.

    Lifelong memories. While not directly related to education, forming positive memories in association with student travel will help students think more positively about school in general. And besides, memories are their own reward.

    There are far more benefits of student travel we haven’t listed here, but just to back this all up with some personal testimony, a 2019 post-tour student survey from EF Educational Tours found that:

    93% of student travelers said their tour expanded their knowledge of the world

    89% of travelers said they understand more about new people, places and cultures

    88% of travelers said they grew more confident and independent

    92% of travelers said they discovered more about themselves as a result of their tour

    If 9 out of 10 students are seeing benefits like this from student travel, it’s clearly a critical part of our youth’s education.


  • Mon, December 12, 2022 10:06 AM | Anonymous

    Business name: 

    Student Horizons

    Where are you located?

    Sunshine Coast, Queensland and Auckland, New Zealand.

    Brief summary of your business?

    Student Horizons is a leading educational school travel company, providing life-shaping educational, music and sporting experiences in Australia and around the world. Our unifying purpose is to enrich the lives of young people, delivering “experience for life”.

    Which destinations do you specialise in?

    Student Horizons specialises in delivering school trips for students and teachers across Australia and around the globe. Popular short-haul destinations are New Zealand and Fiji and popular long-haul destinations include the USA, the UK and Europe. Domestically, Canberra is of course a rite of passage and far north Queensland is hard to beat with two world heritage sites. We are also seeing strong interest in our Outback tours.

      What are the advantages to your business as a SETO member?

    SETO membership brings a sense of belonging for the people in our business. We are already seeing a collegiality among members and this no doubt will assist with general wellbeing. As a board member of SETO, I can personally speak of the growing friendships I have made already with likeminded, passionate educational travel veterans. We have all been through some hard times and hence the collegiality that SETO fosters for the people in our sector is particularly valuable.

    What have been the greatest challenges to your business in 2022?

    The start of the year was difficult with the Omicron wave impacting confidence but in Term 2 we started to see a surge in tour enquiries and the enquiries have kept on coming. Despite strong enquiry levels the selling environment has remained challenging with low air capacity and high fuel prices resulting in high airfares and overall tour prices that are not attainable for many schools.

    A lack of people in our business has also made it challenging in being able to keep up with the high level of enquiries.

    Consumer travel forecasts, where are your customers enquiring to travel?

    We are observing elevated levels of enquiries across the following international destinations: New Zealand, Fiji, USA, UK and Europe, Japan, Vietnam and Cambodia, and domestically Canberra and Far North Queensland.

    How has your business changed and adapted since the global pandemic hit?

    Like most businesses we had no choice but to reduce our cost base to a tiny % of pre-pandemic costs to survive. This unfortunately meant we had to relinquish offices and let go of many amazing people.

    We adapted our product offering, developing new domestic educational products for Student Horizons with a focus on Canberra, Far North Queensland and the Outback. We are particularly proud of a unique “experiential careers program” we developed that received exceptional feedback from clients, partners and suppliers alike. We will retain these domestic offerings within our product portfolio that will sit alongside our international experiences.

    Student Horizons will remain a leaner business with a refined focus on technology. We continue to add value to our integrated in-house sales, product, operations and client cloud platform. These improvements are helping us to simplify processes, gain efficiencies, save time and costs and add value to our client’s overall experience.

    Looking forward what are you excited about over the next 12 months?

    Quite simply we are looking forward to getting back to doing what we love. We have multiple school groups travelling to a raft of destinations domestically and around the world in 2023. We also expect some late international bookings for next year now that most schools and school associations have relaxed internal travel restrictions.

    We are anticipating unprecedented levels of new enquiries in Term 1 next year if the last two terms are anything to go by. There is evidently a strong desire from teachers and school leadership to be once again offering experiential travel opportunities to their students as part of a holistic education.

    Based on existing bookings made over the last 12 months and future demand forecasts we are thrilled to be finally able to look at staff recruitment in 2023.

    On a personal note, I am excited to be back out there leading some of our groups as Logistics Director to Fiji, New Zealand and Canberra.

    The fire is back in the belly. Bring on 2023.

    Jamie Wansey - Founder, Student Horizons

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SETO acknowledges traditional owners of Country throughout Australia and recognise their ongoing connection to land, waters and communities. We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and future and support the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices. 

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