The SETO Guiding Principles reference guidelines from the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC). The Guiding PrinciplesGuiding Principlesoutline the objectives, expectations, and guidelines for SETO Member operations. The objectives of the Guiding Principles are to provide operational guidance for members in order to demonstrate their professional standing within the travel industry and expectations around high standards of service delivery.
SETO members shall conduct business in a manner reflecting honesty and integrity.
SETO members will use every effort to protect their clients against any fraud, misrepresentation, or unethical practices, which may arise in the travel industry.
SETO members will provide complete details about terms and conditions of all or any travel service or provision, including cancellation and service fee obligations, before accepting payment for the booking.
SETO members will treat every client transaction confidentially, comply with all data security laws and will not disclose any information without the permission of the client unless required by law.
SETO members are expected to meet all requirements and principles set out in the SETO Quality Standards (SQS) and deliver product/services through sustainable best practice.
SETO members shall endeavour to resolve any dispute or concern involving consumers or another SETO member.
SETO and its members shall conduct their business activities in a professional manner with members, their clients, and the public.
SETO members shall conduct their business in compliance with all applicable state/ federal laws and regulations.
SETO members will strive to follow the Sustainability Guidelines which strongly encourage members to minimize ongoing harm to the environment and take proactive steps to restore our natural world.
Discrimination Policy
SETO Members are expected to offer equal employment opportunities and not discriminate against any person based on, and not limited to, age, gender, physical impairment, race, religion, ethnic ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, or medical condition.